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Online Therapy

Confidential online therapy & counseling with therapists, for £25 per hours

Individual Psychotherapy & Counselling​

We work to support clients with a range of mental health presentations including: Addiction, anxiety, body image & disordered eating, co-dependency, depression, gender & identity, relationship difficulties, survivors of sexual assault, sexuality survivors of emotional or physical abuse and trauma. We work from a trauma informed perspective and am an ally of the LGBTQIA+ community.

Couples Therapy

Couples therapy can support you and your loved one to overcome a range of issues in your relationship.
However, couples therapy may also be a useful in maintaining the health of your relationship by providing an opportunity to deepen your understanding of yourself and your loved one.
Whilst this therapy is traditionally offered for romantic couples, we work with a range of couples to help improve their relationship. This could be parent & child, sibling relationships or friendships.

Mental Health Consulting

We believe that supporting properly regulated, high-level mental health support within organizations promotes success in the most productive, sustainable, and ethical way for both employees and business providers.

Frequently asked questions

I’m not sure if therapy is for me. Should I book?

Having an initial session with your matched psychologist will give you a sense as to whether therapy is for you. You are not committed to any further sessions after the first appointment. Our clients often find that this first experience is helpful in deciding what they need and if the psychologist they have been matched to is the right fit for them.

Why do I have to fill in an online questionnaire?

Our online questionnaire is part of your initial assessment: we have developed it in order to match you to the right psychologist depending on your presenting difficulties, needs, history, and therapy goals. The information you provide us with will only ever be shared with your chosen psychologist once you decide to book an initial session with them.

What happens in the first appointment and why is it only 20 minutes?

During the first appointment you will meet your matched psychologist and have a ‘taster’ session. This session is in place to help you get to know each other before you make a decision as to whether you feel that they are a good fit for you and you can develop a therapy plan for some ongoing sessions. The psychologist will go through all the practical information you need to know about how the sessions will work. You will also agree on the goals of your work together and the number of sessions you would like to have in the first instance. The session is shorter in duration because it is an introductory session that is in place to ensure you are well informed about the process and happy to commit to the therapeutic work. It is a way to ‘dip your toe in the water’ so to speak before making the decision to engage with a course of therapy.

Is everything I talk about confidential?

Yes, everything you talk about is confidential. The only exceptions to confidentiality are if your psychologist or psychiatrist thinks that you are a risk to yourself or others in which case they may contact other professionals involved in your care such as your General Practitioner or a next of kin. This will always be discussed with you first. During your initial session, your psychologist will cover all these agreements with you to ensure you have given informed consent.

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